Don't believe I can knit that fast? Neither did I, but I've got the photographic evidence to prove it.
I decided to block the sweater before I sewed any of the seams (you can see the pins) and before I finished the neck band. The stitches for the braided cable are on a holder (you can barely see it) and these stitches will be put back on the needles and 2x2 ribbing will finish off the back of the neck and down the unfinished front of the sweater.
Very cunning indeed.
I'm debating how long I want these sleeves to be. The original pattern has the sleeves ending at the mid point of the hand (though if the shoulder seams fit the model properly the sleeves would end just below the wrist). I, however, really don't like things ending at my wrists. Right now I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt and I've got the sleeves folded back to bracelet length. I do that will all of my long sleeves, be they shirts or sweaters. My thought is to just knit the sleeves of this sweater to bracelet length and not worry with folding them back. I figured I'd give myself a night to sleep on it, but I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.
In other knitting related news, I've also been working on my Diagonal Shawl, which I've dubbed "the shawl that never ends." I started this project in mid May after I finished my last sweater. I have knit several things since I started this shawl, but it's been dragging on now for longer than I'd like, so I've been working on it more. It's just about 5 feet long now, and I've still got yarn left, so I'll just keep going.
I also fixed my bicycle seat today. A while back I got a new seat because the one that came with the bike was very painful for me to sit on. I mounted the new seat too far back, though, and was forever falling off the front of the seat (or feeling like I was going to) so today I broke out the tools and reseated the seat. I even rode my bike down to afternoon knitting. The weather was perfect for bike riding: low 70s, light breeze, nice and sunny. If the weather is like this tomorrow I may go for another ride.
As for right now, I'm getting tired. And the spaghetti sauce is giving me mild heart burn, so I'm going to sign off and eat some Tums.
Stay tuned for another Day in the Life.
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