I did finish the first sleeve for my Braided Pullover on Saturday. Yesterday I started the second sleeve and got about 1/3 of the way done (not counting the sleeve cap).
I did get a few new pieces of jewelry made on Monday (I'm pretty sure it was Monday). Football season has started here, so I made 2 bracelets with the university's team colors and football theme charms.
I have higher hopes of next week at the market. There is an afternoon home game, so maybe I can entice some rabid fan to get a team colors bracelet.
Part of my low creative output of the past few days was my distraction by a book. One of my fall classes has a list of 9 books on the required list, so I've been getting them from various libraries. I got one of them from the downtown library and started reading it on the bus ride home and got hooked. The book is She's Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan. It is about her journey through transgenderism. Her career is as a comic writer, so the book was easy and engaging to read and I finished it 4 days after I got it checked out. Check one book of the list.
I'm very hungry now, so I'm going to sign off and scrounge up some lunch.
Your Jewellery looks great and I hope you can sell some of it. I know all about getting sidetracked from knitting but sooner or later we just get hooked in again