Monday, January 27, 2014

I Didn't Even Look

I don't know when the last post to this blog was. I have a vague recollection that it involved county fair results.

The truth is I haven't been up to all that much. In the middle of August My right wrist landed in an immobilization brace, and I'm still wearing it as I type this. I had surgery almost 3 weeks ago to correct the problem so I am (finally) getting better, but overall my productivity has been low, typing has been painful and slow, and I've been more than a little depressed. I have been spending more time with my photography, but even that has been slow since somedays it just hurts too much to hold the camera.

I did think about blogging several times, but using the computer is painful and I still have graduate school going on, so I had to budget my computer time and the blog routinely lost. I am keen to get back to regular blogging (I know, you've read that here before and it's not come to anything). I think the blog would be an important part of my self-care routine, especially as I move into the research part of my PhD studies. So I've decided to set aside a particular time each week to blog. There may or may not be pictures each week, and some posts will be shorter than others, but I'm going to make a real effort.

Today, I'm going to leave you with pictures of the last computer cover I made before I became imprisoned. It's my favorite, and I get lots of compliments when I'm out and about with it. The denim outer fabric was from a curtain I got for very cheap at Goodwill. I cut the pocket off the bottom so that the hem of the curtain was the top finishing of the pocket.

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