Through some feat of scheduling magic, I managed to land a whopping 8 hours at work this week. That's about 2 weeks worth of grocery money if I'm frugal (which I've learned to be). Woo-hoo!!
In other news, I've been knitting and organizing. The first week of term has been slow, which is good because it turns out there was a million and a half little things I needed to get done. One of those things was organizing my articles for my thesis research. I've now got 3 binders housing articles, two 2 inch binders and one 1 inch. One of the two inch binders (containing most of my research and sources on Free Choice Learning) is full. The one inch binder holds the various chapters of just one book that I've had for various classes (I have almost the entire book at this point. This year's new cohort has to buy the whole book). The third binder has all of my gender related articles. All are arranged first by topic, and then alphabetically. Right now these binders are being moved from ottoman to chair to bed to floor as my needs change for space. I have a feeling that some desk reorganization is in order.
On the knitting front, I've finally got back to knitting on Hot Pink and Vintage. I've worked the first set of armhole decreases on the right side, and am now continuing up the armhole. Turns out I don't have to shorten the sweater by taking a pattern repeat (or at least half of one) out because my row gauge is significantly shorter than what is called for in the pattern. I've done the math to figure out how many inches I needed to knit to when the pattern said "knit until piece measures 12 inches." I still will need to do more math to resize the sleeve caps, but that's a ways off.
I finished my Prairie Boots on Tuesday. They have completely redefined how I think of warm feet. I leave them on the bed at night so I can put them on first thing in the morning, and I've seriously started questioning my need to go outside so much, as this requires the removal the boots.
I used remnant yarn for these boots, donated by Lydia and Amy. I also knit a second set of the soles and stitched them on to the boots after they were completed in order to make them extra warm and squishy. The cold of my laminate covered concrete floors hasn't yet managed to penetrate the double wooly soles. To top them off, I used bright buttons that claim to be made of 80% recycled cotton.
And now, without any further ado, I give you Prairie Boots!!
Turns out, it can be difficult to photograph ones own feet. I ended up using the timer and positioning my feet while looking at the tiny view screen (mine swivels and flips, which does make it easier). Not the greatest, but shows off the boots. And my socks, which are not part of the boots. When I come home I take off my shoes but leave on my socks and just shove my slippers on over them. It's a bonus wool layer.
I have another project on my needles right now, but it's super top secret so I can't say anything more about it until February.
In knitting related news, I've been watching the Knitting Gems DVD series by Lucy Neatby (I've got them from the library). I LOVE THEM. Last night while watching volume 1 I learned how to knit from the left needle to the right needle so that I can do garter stitch WITHOUT TURNING MY WORK. It's brilliant!! I've been practicing, and it's really easy. I can't do it without looking yet like I can tradition left to right knitting, but I've only been doing it for under 24 hours.
And last, I've managed to completely misplace my ball winder. I have a vague recollection of lending it to someone, or at least of someone asking to borrow it, but I can't remember who or if I actually gave it to them. All I know is it isn't when I keep it, and I don't really have a lot of space to lose things. I ended up winding 437 yards of fingering weight by hand, and then another 220 for the Super Top Secret Project that I can't tell you anything about until February. I will leave you with a picture of the wound fingering weight so you don't feel too neglected. It's Cascade Heritage Painted Sock in Wild Roses, and it was part of my Christmas present from my bestest best friend in the whole wide world.
That's all for now. Talk to you all later on another Day in the Life.
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